Quiz Archive

Quiz Number #535

Round 1

1. Spelling, in clear block capitals, spell: LIAISON (def: communication between people)

2. Which year was the first FIFA World Cup held in Asia?

3. February 3, 1959 was described by Don McLean as “The Day The Music ….” ___ what?

4. Edward Jenner discovered the vaccination for what?

5. What H was Margaret Thatcher’s middle name?

6. In the Olympic Triathlon, what distance is the swim? 1.5k < | 15k | 150k

7. Rudyard Kipling was a man who is considered to make exceedingly good what? Cakes | Novels < | Boots
Novels (he wrote The Jungle Book)

8. News Headline this week: “Fall in GDP puts UK in recession” What does the P stand for?

9. Which of these recurring sporting events was held first? Modern Olympics | Tour de France < | London Marathon
Modern Olympics

10. Which of England’s National Parks borders with Scotland?

11. Who is the only jockey to win BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award?
Tony McCoy

12. Giacomo Puccini was a famous Italian what?


Final Round

Blockbusters (first 5 questions)

1. Which HM is a term describing “payment to keep information secret”?
Hush Money

2. Which FB who once worked with Humpty, Big Ted & Little Ted is now a member of House of Lords?
Floella Benjamin

3. Which MP was the name of the very first (& rainy) episode of Peppa Pig?
Muddy Puddles

4. Ships with high speed and light cargo such as the Cutty Sark were called what TC?
Tea Clippers

5. Algebra: Which LM is an estimate for a variable using a linear expression in another variable?
Linear Model

Final 5

6. Who played James Bond in the film that Duran Duran permormed the title song to?
Roger Moore

7. Before a performance, orchestras always tune to which note?
A (it’s the only note that all instruments can play)

8. Which country is unique among NATO Allies, as it does not have a military?

9. Police infiltrated which organized crime communication network in 2020? EncroChat < | GhostSec  | StealthCom

10. Elton John had his first UK solo number one hit in which decade?
90’s (1990 – Sacrifice)




Letters: Feel Tyres

Clue: A type of Hip-Hop, skiing or swimming. 


Tie Break
 (closest to the correct answer wins)

The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) was founded in in which year?


Bonus 3

Name the 3 ABBA songs that have been top 10 UK hits that only consist of a 1 word (or name) answer? S.O.S not included.

Waterloo | Fernando | Chiquitita