
Quiz Master – Scoreboard Spreadsheet

Quiz Team Leaderboard Excel

The advantages of using a spreadsheet to keep score are being able to quickly sort-by Highest to Lowest when announcing the scores or A-B again when entering in scores.

The sheet will automatically add the total scores to display in the purple column.

This spreadsheet is free to download and unlocked to edit as you please.

Download Link: Quiz Masters Scoreboard.xlsx (Right-click, Save target as)

Download Link: Quiz Masters Scoreboard zip

If you are now familiar with working with spreadsheets, I’ll upload a short video tutorial to demonstrate how this works.

If you don’t have Microsoft Office, this file can be opened with free, open source office software such as Libre Office or Open Office. Or even online using Google Sheets.

Edit the sheet as you please and add rounds.

Downloading A Spreadsheet – Security Alerts

Most internet browsers will warn you that downloading a spreadsheet from the internet may not be safe. You may get a prompt to confirm that you want to continue. Go ahead and “keep” to download.

Excel Spreadsheet - can't be downloaded. Click keep.

Once you open the spreadsheet for the first time, you will probably have to click “Enable Editing”. This is a normal security precaution that is built in to Office.

Excel - Protected mode - Enable Editing.

Video Instructions

If you aren’t familiar with using a spreadsheet to keep scores at your quiz night, follow the instructions in this video.

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