Quiz Archive

Quiz Number #429

Round 1

1. Spelling: Pharaoh (monarchs of ancient Egypt from the First Dynasty)

2. In 2025, BT will be switching off the UK’s public switched telephone network and people will use VOIP. What does VOIP stand for?
Voice over Internet Protocol

3. “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” is a song by Randy Newman. Used as the theme song in what film?
Toy Story

4. Kenny Miller played for both Rangers & Celtic. Which of the two sides did he play for first?

5. M&Ds Theme park sits on the bank of which artificial body of water?
Strathclyde Loch

6. What is the surname of the brothers who both won medals for Britain in the triathlon at London & Rio Olympics?
Brownlee (Jonathon & Alistair)

7. Giovanni Agnelli founded which Italian motor company?

8. A peice of music written by Eduardo di Capua was famously used in an ice cream advert. What was the title of the version of the song that Elvis released as a signle?
It’s Now Or Never

9. What was the name of the massively popular online game by Disney with cartoon avatars playing in an artic themed open world?
Club Penguin

10. In the card game Gin Rummy, what is the numerical value of a Jack?


Round 2 


1. What was the name of The Flintstones’ pet dinosaur, who acted like a dog?

2. Audio – Make My Day
Sudden Impact

3. Which actress starred in films such as Groundhog Day, Green Card & Four Weddings and a Funeral?
Andie MacDowell

4. What is the opening line of the song by Journey called “Dont Stop Believin”?
Just a small town girl

5. Royston Vasey is an isolated Northern community in which TV comedy series?
The League Of Gentlemen



1. A Kropek is more commonly referred to as what PC?
Prawn Cracker

2. On Jan 24th 1989, Theodore Bundy was put into what EC?
Electric Chair

3. The BBC brought in Radio 4 in 1967 to replace which HS?
Home Service

4. “Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect” was commonly known as what KE?
Kilmarnock Edition

5. What SH is served cold and known as a Finnan haddie?
Smoked Haddock 

Final Round 

1. Which everyday food item takes it’s name from an old French term meaning “cooked twice”?
Biscuit (bis – coctus)

2. In an American dictionary it is an eggplant. What is the British English word?

3. What was the name of the international bestseller in 1987 written by Paul Greengrass, which is a memoir of former MI5 officer Peter Wright?

4. What name is given to an additional combustion component used on some jet engines, Its purpose being to increase thrust, usually for supersonic flight and take off?

5. If your rhinal olfactory system isn’t working, you lose to ability to do what?

6. Skoda is a car maker that has it’s headquarters in which country?
Czech Republic

7. During a competition, The maximum number of golf clubs allowed in a golf bag is how many?

8. Deductable: Planets. List the 3 largest planets in our solar system (diamater).
Jupiter | Saturn | Uranus 


Countdown –  

A Mean Club 


Nee naw 

Tie Break: £53.50 for black and white TV set. & a Daily Record 95p (weekday) 
