Quiz Archive

Quiz Number #515

Round 1

1. Spelling: SYCAMORE (tree)

2. When wiring a plug, what colour is neutral?

3. Which of these has the biggest paws? Otter | Bank Vole | Badger <

4. What is the max speed limit driving through the Clyde Tunnel?
30 mph

5. Audio clip: Ice-cream van playing chimes. Name the peice of music. (old traditional 16th-century folk song)

6. WICS regulate price limits on water. What does it stand for?
Water Industry Commission for Scotland

7. In the book Goodbye, Mr. Chips, what profession was Mr Chips?

8. Which of these is an original Take That song rather than a cover version of an old song?
Could It Be Magic
It Only Takes a Minute
Relight My Fire
Back for Good <

9. Polyphony is used in what? Construction | Music | First Aid | Baking

10. The Edinburgh Festival Fringe takes place mostly within which month?

Round 2 

Guest Round – Simple Sums For Dummies. The sums are easy if you know what you’re adding up! 

Hours time difference between London & Athens. 2
Hours time difference between London & Lisbon. 0

Number of members of One Direction. 5
Number of band members in Queen. 4

Number of teaspoons in a tablespoon. 3
Oven Gas Mark number equivilant to 200c. 6

Number of players in each Ryder Cup team. 12
Number of players in a rugby union team? 15

Last 2 digits of year of Titanic sinking. 12
Last 2 digits of year of Falklands War. 82


1. Which EM aquired Twitter in October 2022?
Elon Musk

2. What TM is a prominent landmark overlooking the city of Cape Town?
Table Mountain

3. “Take your hair to paradise” & “Superfood for hair” were slogans for which HE?
Herbal Essence

4. Which SF were a father & son Greek / Cypriot dancing act on Britain’s Got Talent?
Stavros Flatley

5. What BB is the name of the pub that Ronnie Kray shot George Cornell?
Blind Beggar 

Final Round 

1. Which 1814 novel by Jane Austen shares it’s name with a rugby union ground in Scotland?
Mansfield Park

2. Dreamcast, Genesis & Saturn were all games consoles made by which company?

3. Which  folk hero of Switzerland is said to have assassinated Albrecht Gessler?
William Tell

4. Historic counties of Scotland, which of these is furthest north? Morayshire < | Renfrewshire | Selkirkshire | Angus

5. In which film did Richard Pryor’s character have to try and spend $30 million in 30 days?
Brewsters Millions

6. Pluto’s orbital period is what in Earth years? 8 | 24 | 248 <

7. What is Gordon Brown’s wife’s name?
Sarah Jane Brown

8. Le Chien in French, el Perro in Spanish. What animal is this in English?


Answer: Customers
Letters: Score Smut
Clue: People who pay for goods. 

Tie Break: “The Chase” is a British television quiz show that first premiered on ITV on June 29 of which year?